Home Wishlist


These are projects ideas in their early infancy. I know I won’t get around to all of this by myself. Let me know if someone has done any of these things already, or if you’re interested in doing some of them.

Tool Development


  • Develop plugin to run PyCallGraph2 on the nodes, generating a call graph that ignores that Kedro code itself.
  • Develop plugin which constructs Atlassian Confluence documentation based on the Kedro project.
  • Develop ESRIShapeFileDataset for common geospatial analysis.
  • Develop ProphetModelDataset using Prophets load/save methods.


  • Bayesian tensor decomposition library.
  • Bayesian queueing network library.
  • Bayesian partial differential equation solver library.
  • Bayesian symbolic regression.
  • Bayesian tree of Dirichlet distributions.


  • Trainable queueing network model class compliant with Scikit-Learn API.
  • Numerically-stable hyperspherical rotations as a data transformation class compliant with Scikit-Learn API.


  • Library that summarizes a probability of properties hold of a random relation satisfying a given relation property.
  • TDDA: Type hint stubs?
  • Implement an enumerator of automorphism orbits of directed hypergraphlets. See Lugo-Martinez et al 2020 for a related notion.

Data Analysis

  • Use COBRApy to simulate metabolic flux in Cyanidioschyzon merolae.
  • Develop statistical forecasting model of venting index in British Columbia, Canada.
  • Orientation analysis of moose scat and other weak information. See Seilis 2023.
  • Compute the assembly index of Canada’s national road network and compare with the historical construction of the road network.
  • Drawing The Bayesian Baboon: Apply an analysis similar to this approach on this data set.
  • Graphlet automorphism orbit enumeration of British Columbia’s road network followed by canonical correlation analysis between the graphlet orbit matrix with a matrix of vehicle incident risk factors.


  • Develop a generalization of the Cramér–Rao bound for $k$-mode tensors.
  • Derive the change of variables for a given random forest on a random vector with a given distribution.
  • In Seilis 2022 I developed the Agnesian operator. It clearly induces a form of differential equations which I would term “Agnesian equations”. When two collections of functions given the same Agnesian, I call them “Agnesian-equivalent”. It would be interesting to further explore this family of differential equations and their properties.
  • Quantum Agnesians are a notion I had of bringing Agnesian operators to quantum operators.
  • Reformulate Schrödinger’s equations with vector functions.