Home A Quick Reference to Some Common Orders

A Quick Reference to Some Common Orders


This post is just dumping a short list of notions of order from my MSc thesis days.

Broad Classes of Orders

There are four common classes of orders.

Non-Strict Partial Order

  • Reflexive
  • Antisymmetric
  • Transitive

Strict Partial Order

  • Irreflexive
  • Asymmetric
  • Transitive

Non-Strict Total Order

  • Reflexive
  • Transitive
  • Antisymmetric
  • Strongly-connected

Strict Total Order

  • Irreflexive
  • Transitive
  • Connected

Multidimensional Orders

There are orders which sit over tuples, which themselves may be elements of a relation.

  • Product order
  • Lexicographic order
  • Pareto order

Function-Induced Orders

Sometimes a collection can be assigned an order by the level sets of a function.

Consensus Order

Suppose a collection of points $S$ where $x \leq y$ if-and-only-if there are more elements of $x$ dominated by elements of $y$ than vice versa.

Proximity Order

We can define orders by their proximity to a reference element or set.

Point Proximity Orders

Give a choice of metric space $(X, \rho)$ and a reference element of that metric space $\psi \in X$, then we consider $x \leq y$ if-and-only-if $\rho(\psi, x) \leq \rho(\psi, y)$.

Set Proximity Orders

The Hausdorff distance can similarly be used to induce an order on a collection of sets given a reference set.

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