Galen's Blog

Notes On Differential Forms

Definition Suppose $C \subseteq \mathbb{R}^2$ is a curve and $p \in C$. The tangent space to $C$ at $p$, $T_pC$ is the set of all vectors tangent to $C$ at $p$. Example Let us say we ha...

Life After Love - By ChatGPT

I asked ChatGPT to write a song about life after love. This is what is came up with: Verse 1: Love was once a dream that I held tight, But now it’s gone, it’s out of sight, I tried to ...

Asking ChatGPT About Avoidable Admissions

I asked ChatGPT a bunch of questions about avoidable admissions. I’ve put the Q&A below. ChatGPT does not necessarily give accurate answers to these questions. Do not take its answers as ac...

Asking ChatGPT About Order Theory

I asked ChatGPT a bunch of questions about order theory. Most of the questions are about history. I’ve put the Q&A below. ChatGPT does not necessarily give accurate answers to these questio...

Asking ChatGPT to Code a Plotting Function for Covering Diagrams

I asked ChatGPT: Write a Python script which takes a networkx.DiGraph object representing a partial order and plot it according to the rules of a covering diagram. It responded by naming the c...

Notes On Order Theory

Fundamentals Essential Definitions and Examples Definition A partial order is a pair $(X, \leq)$ composed of a set $X$ called the ground set and $\leq$ is a binary relation with the following ...

A Happy Little Tribute to Bob Ross - by ChatGPT

Summer 2022 I tried painting for the first time since I was a child. It began with listening Bob Ross on YouTube because it was relaxing background. Over time drifted from listening to watching, an...

Test Post

Some Math (I love math) $\int_a^b f(t) dt$ Mermaid Example stateDiagram-v2 [*] --> Still Still --> [*] Still --> Moving Moving --> Still Moving --> Crash C...

Why GLM is Inferior - by ChatGPT

This post is a tongue-and-cheek response to Professor writes a love song to statistics. I decided to ask a non-linear model to rebut this musical march against violations of additivity and homog...

Plot Basic Pie Chart Of Taxa At A Given Taxonomic Rank Using Pandas And Matplotlib

This post was migrated from my iNaturalist journal on 2023-02-26. Suppose you have an exported CSV of iNaturalist observations, observations-<ID>.csv. To follow this tutorial you will h...