Implementing a G/G/1 Queue in Ciw

Discrete Event Simulation
Queueing Systems
Queueing Theory
Hyperexponential Distribution
Gamma Distribution
Operations Research
Random Variables
Inter-Arrival Times
Service Times

Galen Seilis


December 20, 2023


August 9, 2024


Ciw is a Python package for simulating queueing networks.

The two G’s in G/G/1 do not have to be the same distribution, and respectively can be any distribution with non-negative support.

We will use a Hyperexponential distribution for the arrival distribution. A hyperexponential distribution is exactly a mixture distribution of exponential distributions. This has an interpretation of there being an implicit set of arrival processes that each have their own distinct but independent exponential arrival times. In this case we will choose a mixture of four such arrival processes with distinct arrival rates:

\[\begin{align} U_1 \sim & \text{Exponential}\left( \frac{1}{9} \right) \\ U_2 \sim & \text{Exponential}\left( \frac{1}{5} \right) \\ U_3 \sim & \text{Exponential}\left( \frac{1}{6} \right) \\ U_4 \sim & \text{Exponential}\left( 1 \right) \end{align}\]

The following mixture distribution for the arrival times will be used:

\[T_{\text{arrivals}} \sim \frac{1}{5} f_{U_1} + \frac{1}{10} f_{U_2} + \frac{3}{5} f_{U_3} + \frac{1}{10} f_{U_4}\]

We will use a gamma distribution for the sake of example. A gamma distribution is the result of a sum of independent exponentially-distributed random variable, and thus for this example we have an interpretation that the servicing is implicitly a multi-step process where each step has an exponentially-distributed completion time.


A G/G/1 queue as described can be implemented and simulated using Ciw in the following way.

import ciw


arrival_dist = ciw.dists.HyperExponential(rates=[9, 5, 6, 1], probs=[0.2, 0.1, 0.6, 0.1])
service_dist = ciw.dists.Gamma(shape=0.6, scale=1.2)

network = ciw.create_network(
    arrival_distributions = [arrival_dist],
    service_distributions = [service_dist],
    number_of_servers = [1]
simulation = ciw.Simulation(network)
records = simulation.get_all_records()


We can tabulate the results.

from IPython.display import Markdown, display
import pandas as pd
records = pd.DataFrame(records)
        [['waiting_time', 'service_time', 'queue_size_at_arrival', 'queue_size_at_departure']]
waiting_time service_time queue_size_at_arrival queue_size_at_departure
count 546 546 546 546
mean 118.578 0.668262 176.855 510.295
std 64.0327 0.813994 103.554 289.318
min 0 9.40731e-07 0 7
25% 66.9117 0.0991315 87 258
50% 119.865 0.348732 177.5 527.5
75% 175.243 0.901602 270.75 763.5
max 224.18 4.88812 352 1015

We can plot the arrival times against the waiting times.

records.plot(x='arrival_date', y='waiting_time')

We can plot the service start times against the service times.

records.plot(x='service_start_date', y='service_time')

We can plot the arrival dates against the length of the queue when the customer arrived.

records.plot(x='arrival_date', y='queue_size_at_arrival')

We can plot the departure dates against the length of the queue when the customer departed.

records.plot(x='exit_date', y='queue_size_at_departure')