Painting 7
I finished my 7th painting!
There are certaintly a lot of flaws in this painting, but I am glad I got to the end of it. A few things went wrong on me.
If you look carefully at the trees in the background you’ll see that some of brush strokes are at a strange angle. That is in part because my brush it itself angled, and that I didn’t compensate for that. But that is kind of subtle.
The main thing that sticks out like a sore thumb is that deciduous tree on the left-hand-side. I was told that it competes with the mountains in the background, which makes sense as a critique of the composition. I also feel that the shape of the collections of leaves don’t look right to me, especially the bottom-right branch.
There are also tell-tale signs of a disaster earlier in the painting. I accidentally sprayed, yes, sprayed, paint thinner. It wasn’t noticable at first, but I later noticed lots of white dots. I had attempted to use my palette knife to scape away what I could and added more liquid white to attempt to recoat the bottom-half of the painting. This seemed to make this worse, so later while the painting was closer to dry I attempted to paint over some of these blemishes and scrapes. But you can still see some of them if you look carefully.
And there are many other little issues, but overall I think a lot of things went well. Compared to my previous zero-ability to paint, this work honestly amazes me. And it is remarkable how well it turned out even after my many mistakes.
Hope you enjoyed it.