Kedro Video Tutorial Notes

Data Science
Pandas Vet
Kedro Viz
Data Versioning
Best Practices
Problem of Induction
Pareto Front

Galen Seilis


February 17, 2025

These are my notes on a video series released on Kedro. I started these notes quite a while ago, but I only just got around to finally finishing them.

Introduction to Kedro - What is Kedro?


According to this article:

The name Kedro, which derives from the Greek word meaning center or core, signifies that this open-source software provides crucial code for ‘productionizing’ advanced analytics projects.

  • Kedro is a Python framework for data science projects
  • It was created internally at Quantum Black, acquired by McKinsey & Company, in 2017.
  • It was originally being used for internal projects for clients.
  • In 2019 kedro was open-sourced.
  • Later than 2019, Kedro was donated to the Linunx Foundation and AI Data Initiative.

    title History of Kedro Ownership
    2017: Created Internally at Quantum Black
        : Acquired by McKinsey and Company
    2019: Open-sourced.
    2022: Donated to Linux Foundation

  • A goal of further development of Kedro is to have an open standard. > Question: Is there an official standards document?


Claimed benefits of Using Kedro:

  • Kedro is aimed at reducing the time spent rewriting data science experiments so that they are fit for production.
  • Kedro is aimed at encouraging harmonious team collaboration and improve productivity. > Question In what ways does Kedro encourage harmonious team collaboration?
  • Kedro is aimed at upskilling collaborators on how to apply software engineering principles to data science code.
  • Kedro is a data-centric pipeline tool.
    • It provides you with a project template, a declarative catalog, and powerful pipelines.
    • Helps to separate responsibilities into different aspects:
      • Project Template
        • Inspired by Cookiecutter Data Science
      • Data Catalog
        • The core declative IO abstraction layer.
        • The data catalog in hard drive space is specified by one or more YAML files.
      • Nodes + Pipelines
        • Contructs which enable data-centric workflows.
        • The Pipelines at a mathematical level of abstraction are directed acyclic graphs where:
          • the nodes are functions,
          • the in-edges are inputs to the function,
          • and the out-nodes are the outputs of a function.
        • If you want to perform cyclic compositions of functions you must do so with unique sets of names to the input/outputs.
          • Because all these names of inputs/outputs are in the same namespace scope, connascence can be a bit of a challenge.
        • Kedro will execute the nodes in such a way that respects the partial order induced by the structure of the directed acyclic graph.
      • Experiment Tracking
        • Constructs which enable data-centric workflows.
      • Extensibility
        • Inherit, hook in or plug-in to make the Kedro work for you.

    direction LR
    [*] --> IngestRawData
    state ZoneOfInfluence {
        IngestRawData --> CleanAndJoinData
        CleanAndJoinData --> EngineerFeatures
        EngineerFeatures --> TrainAndValidateModel
    TrainAndValidateModel --> DeployModel
    DeployModel --> [*]

Kedro Main Features

  • Templates, pipelines and a strong configuration library encourage good coding practices.
  • Standard & customizable project templates.
    • You can standardize how
      • configuration,
      • source code,
      • tests,
      • documentation,
      • and notebooks are organized with an adaptable, easy-to-use project template.
    • You can create your own cookie cutter project template with Starters.
  • Pipeline visualizations & experiment tracking
    • Kedro pipeline visualizations shows a blueprint of your developing data and machine-learning workflows,
    • provides data lineage,
    • keeps track of machine-learning experiments,
    • and makes it easier to collaborate with business stake holders.
  • World’s most evolved configuration library
    • Configuration enables your code to be used in different situations when your experiment or data changes.
    • Kedro supports data access, model and logging configuration.
    type: spark.SparkDataSet
    filepath: data/{namespace}/{dataset_name}.pq
    file_format: parquet

    type: pandas.CSVDataSet
    filepath: data/01_raw/{dataset_name}.csv

Catalog entries, nodes and pipelines

  • Here is an example of the directed acyclic graph abstraction.
  • Square nodes are functions, round nodes are inputs/outputs of functions to a given node, and cylinders are input/output datasets of the pipeline.
  • The pipeline itself has a set of inputs and a set of outputs.

flowchart TD
    subgraph Inputs
    0 --> 3[Preprocess Companies Node] --> 4([Preprocessed Companies]) --> 5[Create Model Input Table Node]
    1 --> 5
    2 --> 6[Preprocess Shuttles Node] --> 7([Preprocessed Shuttles]) --> 5
    subgraph Outputs
    5 --> 8[(Model Input Table)]

  • Catalog specifies what data sets exist as inputs, or will become outputs.
    type: pandas.CSVDataset
    filepath: data/01_raw/companies.csv

    type: pandas.ExcelDataset
    filepath: data/01_raw/shuttles.xlsx

    type: pandas.CSVDataset
    filepath: data/01_raw/reviews.csv

    type: pandas.ParquetDataset
    filepath: s3://my_bucket/model_input_table.pq
    versional: true
  • The pipelines definition specifies what nodes exist and what the inputs are.
def create_pipeline(**kwargs):
    return pipeline([
            inputs= [

Introduction to Kedro - Kedro and data orchestrators

Kedro is a : - Data science development framework - Machine learning engineering framework - Pipeline framework Kedro is not a: - Full-stack MLOPs framework - Orchestrator - Kedro has been described as a ML orchestration tool. - Replacement for data infrastructure

Motto: “Write once, deploy everywhere” - The transition to production should be seamless with plugins and documentation.

flowchart LR
    style 0 fill:#F7CA00,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px

    subgraph "Commerical ML Platforms"
        1[AWS Batch]
        2[Amazon EMR]
        3[Amazon SageMaker]
        4[AWS Step Functions]
        5[Azure ML]
        6[Vertex AI]

    1[AWS Batch] o--o 0
    2[Amazon EMR] o--o 0
    3[Amazon SageMaker] o--o 0
    4[AWS Step Functions] o--o 0
    5[Azure ML] o--o 0
    Databricks o--o 0
    Iguazio o--o 0
    Snowflake o--o 0
    6[Vertex AI] o--o 0

    subgraph "Open Source Orchestrators"

    0 o--o Airflow
    0 o--o Argo
    0 o--o Dask
    0 o--o Kubeflow
    0 o--o Prefect

Kedro on Databricks

Multiple workflows are supported, both IDE-based and notebook-base: - Direct development on Databricks Notebooks - Local IDE work and synchronization with Databricks Repos (depicted below). - Package and deploy to Databricks Jobs.

Example: Develop on local IDE and synchronize with Databricks Repos using dbx: - Versioning with - Also see Git integration with Databricks Repos. - Delta Lake for lakehouses

flowchart TD
subgraph LocalIDE
    style Development fill:#3CA5EA,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
    style 0 fill:#F7CA00,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px

LocalIDE --> git
style git fill:#F44D27,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px

subgraph DatabricksRepos
    style Databricks fill:#FF4621,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
    style 1 fill:#F7CA00,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px

dbx --> LocalIDE
LocalIDE --> dbx
style dbx fill:#FF4621,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
DatabricksRepos --> dbx
dbx --> DatabricksRepos

2[(Delta Lake)]
style 2 fill:#00a8cd,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px

DatabricksRepos --> 2

Introduction to Kedro - Where does Kedro fit in the data science ecosystem?

  • The data tooling space is competitive.
  • Below is a table which shows some but not all of the feature space of some of the available tools, rather focusing on Kedro’s feature set.
  • It is difficult for Kedro developers and proponents to remain unbiased in comparing their tool to other tools, but this table is their attempt.
    • I have added some links to these tools so you can quickly check how fair you think their comparisons are.
Tool Focus Project Template Data Catalog DAG Workflow DAG UI Experiment Tracking Data Versioning Scheduler Monitoring
Kedro “Kedro is an open-source Python framework for creating reproducible, maintainable and modular data science code.” ✅ Data-centric DAG ☑️ Basic Feature
ZenML “ZenML is an extensible, open-source ML Ops framework for using production-ready Machine Learning pipelines, in a simple way.” ✅ Task-centric DAG
Cookiecutter “A logical, reasonably standardized, but flexible project structure for doing and sharing data science work.”
MLFlow “MLFlow is an open source platform to manage the ML lifecycle, including experimentation, reproducibility, deployment, and a central model registry.” ☑️ Basic Feature ☑️ Models
Intake “Data catalogs provide an abstraction that allows you to externally define, and optionally share, descriptions of datasets, called catalog entries.”
<Various Orchestration Plantforms> Orchestration platforms allow users to author, schedule and monitor workflows - task-centric data workflows ✅ Task-centric DAG
DVC “DVC is built to make ML models shareable and reproducible. Designed to handle data sets, machine learning models, and metrics as well as code.” ☑️ Basic Feature
Pachyderm “Pachyderm is the data layer that powers your machine learning lifecycle. Automate and unify your MLOps tool chain. With automatic data versioning and data driven pipelines.” ✅ Data-centric DAG
dbt “dbt is a SQL transformation workflow that lets teams quickly and collaboratively deploy analytics code following software engineering best practices like modularity, portability, CI/CD, and documentation.” ✅ Data-centric DAG
  • There is a Kedro-MLFlow pluginto allow MLFlow to be readily used with Kedro.
  • When should you NOT use Kedro?
    • Notebook-based workflows:
      • Some data scientists build production pipelines directly in notebooks rather than IDEs.
      • Currently, Kedro is best used within an IDE.
      • The upcoming Kedro 0.19.0 release will enable authoring pipelines within notebooks.
  • Limited language support:
    • Kedro pipelines are written in Python.
    • While Kedro provides SQL and Snowflake data connectors, Kedro is not optimized for workflows authored solely in SQL, and tools like dbt may be a better choice.
  • Overhead for experimental projects:
    • For pilots and experiments not intended for production, Kedro adds unnecessary boilerplate and structure.
    • For experimentation, notesbooks may be more appropriate.
  • Transitioning from existing standards:
    • Teams with existing standardized templates may experience friction transitioning to Kedro’s structure and conventions.
    • Currently, teams use a custom Kedro starter to merge templates.
    • The upcoming 0.19.0 release will enable the use of Kedro without the standard Cookiecutter template, facilitating adoption alongside existing internal templates.

Get started with Kedro - Create a Kedro project from scratch

  • Kedro documentation has this Spaceflights Tutorial.
  • There is a related kedro-starters Github.
    • You can take a look at the instructions for getting started within the Github repo here.
    • You can see the {cookiecutter.repo_name} template here.
      • You can see every default file and directory that you can expect in a default Kedro project.

Hopping in a BASH session I ran:

$ git clone
$ cd kedro-starters/spaceflights-pandas/\{\{\ cookiecutter.repo_name\ \}\}/
$ tree .
├── conf
│   ├── base
│   │   ├── catalog.yml
│   │   ├── parameters_data_processing.yml
│   │   ├── parameters_data_science.yml
│   │   └── parameters.yml
│   ├── local
│   │   └── credentials.yml
│   ├── logging.yml
│   └──
├── data
│   ├── 01_raw
│   │   ├── companies.csv
│   │   ├── reviews.csv
│   │   └── shuttles.xlsx
│   ├── 02_intermediate
│   ├── 03_primary
│   ├── 04_feature
│   ├── 05_model_input
│   ├── 06_models
│   ├── 07_model_output
│   └── 08_reporting
├── docs
│   └── source
│       ├──
│       └── index.rst
├── notebooks
├── pyproject.toml
├── requirements.txt
├── src
│   └── {{ cookiecutter.python_package }}
│       ├──
│       ├──
│       ├──
│       ├── pipelines
│       │   ├── data_processing
│       │   │   ├──
│       │   │   ├──
│       │   │   └──
│       │   ├── data_science
│       │   │   ├──
│       │   │   ├──
│       │   │   └──
│       │   └──
│       └──
└── tests
   ├── pipelines
   │   ├──
   │   └──

22 directories, 30 files
  • Conf is the configuration directory
    • with two subdirectories:
      • base
      • local
    • Contains all the configuration data for the project.
  • data directory is for storing (permanent or temporary) data where the Kedro project has direct access to it.
    • It contains multiple subdirectories for different classifications of data.
      • e.g. 01_raw contains the starting or “raw” data that is going to be used in the spaceflights project.
        • companies.csv
        • reviews.csv
        • shuttles.xlsx
  • docs is a high-level directory for putting stuff related to documentation.
  • notebooks is a directory for putting notebooks (e.g. Jupyter notebooks).
  • src contains all the source code of the Kedro project.
    • It contains the required files (e.g.‘s’) so that the project can be built as a Python package.

Get started with Kedro - The spaceflights starter

  • Kedro should be compatible with most IDEs since it is just Python development which is text-based.
  • Let’s go through the steps alongside the video.

First, let’s create a project path.

$ cd ~/projects\

Next they create an environment. There are different choices to pick from. Here I will attempt to follow their instructions using Micromamba. I don’t have Micromamba installed, but you can find their installation instructions online.

The Micromamba instructions tell us to begin with using curl to download and run the script:

"${SHELL}" <(curl -L

This command is a one-liner in a shell script or command line that performs the following actions:

  1. "${SHELL}": This part of the command is a variable substitution. It uses the value of the SHELL environment variable. The SHELL environment variable typically contains the path to the user’s preferred shell. The double quotes around ${SHELL} are used to prevent word-splitting and globbing of the value.
  2. <(curl -L This is a process substitution. It involves the use of the <() syntax to treat the output of a command as if it were a file. In this case, the command within the substitution is curl -L Let’s break it down:
    • curl is a command-line tool for making HTTP requests. In this case, it is used to download the content of the specified URL.
    • -L is an option for curl that tells it to follow redirects. If the URL specified has a redirect, curl will follow it.
    • is the URL from which the script is being downloaded.

So, the overall effect of <(curl -L is to execute the curl command, fetch the content of, and make that content available as if it were a file. Finally, the whole command "${SHELL}" <(curl -L takes the downloaded script as input and runs it using the user’s preferred shell. This is a common pattern for installing software using a one-liner, often seen in shell scripts or package managers. In this case, it seems like it might be installing something related to Mamba, a package manager for data science environments.

You may get something in stdout that looks like this:

 % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
 0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
100  3069  100  3069    0     0   2195      0  0:00:01  0:00:01 --:--:-- 10921
Micromamba binary folder? [~/.local/bin]  
Init shell (bash)? [Y/n]   
Configure conda-forge? [Y/n]  
Prefix location? [~/micromamba]  
Modifying RC file "/home/galen/.bashrc"
Generating config for root prefix "/home/galen/micromamba"
Setting mamba executable to: "/home/galen/.local/bin/micromamba"
Adding (or replacing) the following in your "/home/galen/.bashrc" file
# >>> mamba initialize >>>                                                                                                                                                                                        
# !! Contents within this block are managed by 'mamba init' !!                                                                                                                                                    
export MAMBA_EXE='/home/galen/.local/bin/micromamba';                                                                                                                                                             
export MAMBA_ROOT_PREFIX='/home/galen/micromamba';                                                     
__mamba_setup="$("$MAMBA_EXE" shell hook --shell bash --root-prefix "$MAMBA_ROOT_PREFIX" 2> /dev/null)"
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
   eval "$__mamba_setup"                                                                                      
   alias micromamba="$MAMBA_EXE"  # Fallback on help from mamba activate                                       
unset __mamba_setup
# <<< mamba initialize <<<                     
Please restart your shell to activate micromamba or run the following:\n
 source ~/.bashrc (or ~/.zshrc, ~/.xonshrc, ~/.config/fish/, ...)

This BASH script sets up environment variables and configurations related to the Mamba package manager. Let’s break down each part of the script:

  1. export MAMBA_EXE='/home/galen/.local/bin/micromamba';
    • This line exports the variable MAMBA_EXE and assigns it the value /home/galen/.local/bin/micromamba. This variable is likely the path to the Mamba executable.
  2. export MAMBA_ROOT_PREFIX='/home/galen/micromamba';
    • This line exports the variable MAMBA_ROOT_PREFIX and assigns it the value /home/galen/micromamba. This variable likely represents the root directory where Mamba will be installed or where it will manage environments.
  3. __mamba_setup="$("$MAMBA_EXE" shell hook --shell bash --root-prefix "$MAMBA_ROOT_PREFIX" 2> /dev/null)"
    • This line defines a variable __mamba_setup by running a command. The command is the output of executing "$MAMBA_EXE" shell hook --shell bash --root-prefix "$MAMBA_ROOT_PREFIX". This command is likely generating shell-specific configuration settings based on the provided parameters. The 2> /dev/null part redirects any error output to /dev/null to suppress error messages.
  4. if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
    • This line checks the exit status of the last command. The special variable $? holds the exit status of the previous command. If the exit status is 0 (indicating success), the script proceeds to the next line.
  5. eval "$__mamba_setup"
    • If the previous command succeeded, this line evaluates the content of the __mamba_setup variable as shell commands. It effectively applies the configurations generated by the Mamba setup command to the current shell session.
  6. else
    • If the previous command fails (exit status is not 0), this line is executed.
  7. alias micromamba="$MAMBA_EXE"
    • In case the Mamba setup command fails, this line creates an alias named micromamba that points to the Mamba executable ($MAMBA_EXE). This provides a fallback option for using Mamba, and the user can run micromamba directly.
  8. fi
    • Closes the if-else block.
  9. unset __mamba_setup
    • This line unsets (removes) the __mamba_setup variable. This is done for cleanup, and the variable is no longer needed after its content has been evaluated.

In summary, this script is configuring the environment for Mamba, attempting to apply specific shell settings, and providing a fallback alias if the setup command fails. It’s a common pattern in configuration scripts to handle different scenarios based on the success or failure of certain commands.

Changing configuration files such as .bashrc often require restarting the shell environment. To restart the shell you can use this command:

source ~/.bashrc

The source command, in the context of a shell script or interactive shell session, is used to read and execute the content of a file within the current shell environment. In this case, the command source ~/.bashrc is specifically used to execute the contents of the .bashrc file in the user’s home directory.

Let’s break it down in more detail: 1. source command: - The source command (or its synonym .) is used to read and execute commands from the specified file within the current shell session. It’s commonly used to apply changes made in configuration files without starting a new shell session. 2. ~/.bashrc: - ~ represents the home directory of the current user. - .bashrc is a configuration file for the Bash shell. It typically contains settings, environment variables, and aliases that are specific to the user’s Bash shell environment. The file is executed every time a new interactive Bash shell is started.

When you run source ~/.bashrc, you are telling the shell to read the contents of the .bashrc file and execute the commands within it. This is useful when you make changes to your .bashrc file, such as adding new aliases or modifying environment variables. Instead of starting a new shell session, you can use source to apply the changes immediately to the current session.

Keep in mind that changes made by sourcing a file only affect the current shell session. If you want the changes to be applied to all future shell sessions, you should consider adding them directly to your shell configuration files (like .bashrc), so they are automatically executed each time you start a new shell.


Another way to restart the BASH is to call the following command:

 exec "${SHELL}"

The exec "${SHELL}" command is commonly used to replace the current shell process with a new instance of the same shell. Let’s break down the command step by step:

  1. ${SHELL}: This is a variable substitution that retrieves the path to the user’s preferred shell. The SHELL environment variable typically contains the path to the default shell for the user. The ${SHELL} expression is enclosed in double quotes to handle cases where the path might contain spaces or special characters.
  2. exec: This is a shell built-in command that is used to replace the current shell process with a new command. When exec is used without a command, it is often employed to replace the current shell process with another shell.
  3. "${SHELL}": This part is the path to the shell obtained through variable substitution.

Putting it all together, the command exec "${SHELL}" essentially instructs the shell to replace itself with a new instance of the shell specified by the value of the SHELL environment variable. This has the effect of restarting the shell. The new shell inherits the environment and settings of the previous shell.

It’s worth noting that when you run this command, any changes made in the current shell session, such as variable assignments, aliases, or function definitions, will be lost because the new shell starts with a clean environment. This command is often used when you want to apply changes to shell configuration files (like .bashrc or .zshrc) without having to manually exit and start a new shell session.

With Micromamba installed we can now follow along with running this command:

micromamba create -n spaceflights310 python=3.10 -c conda-forge -y
  • The name spaceflights310 has 310 appended to it to help remind us later that this environment is prepared for Python version 3.10.
    • Appending this string to the name does not have any influence on how Micromamba prepares the environment. It is just for us humans. 😊
  • python=3.10 is used by micromamba to prepare the environment for Python 3.10.
  • The -c conda-forge is to indicate that we using the Conda-Forge repository for our Python packages.
  • The -y just means to automatically accept any triggered [Y/n] options.

After running the above command, you should get something like this:

conda-forge/noarch                                  13.0MB @   3.2MB/s  4.1s
conda-forge/linux-64                                31.3MB @   5.8MB/s  5.5s


 Prefix: /home/galen/micromamba/envs/spaceflights310

 Updating specs:

  - python=3.10

 Package                Version  Build               Channel          Size

 + _libgcc_mutex            0.1  conda_forge         conda-forge       3kB
 + ld_impl_linux-64        2.40  h41732ed_0          conda-forge     705kB
 + ca-certificates   2023.11.17  hbcca054_0          conda-forge     154kB
 + libgomp               13.2.0  h807b86a_3          conda-forge     422kB
 + _openmp_mutex            4.5  2_gnu               conda-forge      24kB
 + libgcc-ng             13.2.0  h807b86a_3          conda-forge     774kB
 + openssl                3.2.0  hd590300_1          conda-forge       3MB
 + libzlib               1.2.13  hd590300_5          conda-forge      62kB
 + libffi                 3.4.2  h7f98852_5          conda-forge      58kB
 + bzip2                  1.0.8  hd590300_5          conda-forge     254kB
 + ncurses                  6.4  h59595ed_2          conda-forge     884kB
 + libuuid               2.38.1  h0b41bf4_0          conda-forge      34kB
 + libnsl                 2.0.1  hd590300_0          conda-forge      33kB
 + xz                     5.2.6  h166bdaf_0          conda-forge     418kB
 + tk                    8.6.13  noxft_h4845f30_101  conda-forge       3MB
 + libsqlite             3.44.2  h2797004_0          conda-forge     846kB
 + readline                 8.2  h8228510_1          conda-forge     281kB
 + tzdata                 2023c  h71feb2d_0          conda-forge     118kB
 + python               3.10.13  hd12c33a_0_cpython  conda-forge      25MB
 + wheel                 0.42.0  pyhd8ed1ab_0        conda-forge      58kB
 + setuptools            68.2.2  pyhd8ed1ab_0        conda-forge     464kB
 + pip                   23.3.2  pyhd8ed1ab_0        conda-forge       1MB


 Install: 22 packages

 Total download: 39MB


Transaction starting
_libgcc_mutex                                        2.6kB @  12.6kB/s  0.2s
_openmp_mutex                                       23.6kB @ 104.5kB/s  0.2s
ca-certificates                                    154.1kB @ 604.2kB/s  0.3s
ld_impl_linux-64                                   704.7kB @   1.9MB/s  0.4s
libgomp                                            421.8kB @   1.0MB/s  0.4s
readline                                           281.5kB @ 660.6kB/s  0.2s
xz                                                 418.4kB @ 826.4kB/s  0.3s
libffi                                              58.3kB @ 106.5kB/s  0.1s
wheel                                               57.6kB @ 102.7kB/s  0.2s
libgcc-ng                                          773.6kB @   1.2MB/s  0.2s
ncurses                                            884.4kB @   1.3MB/s  0.5s
libnsl                                              33.4kB @  50.4kB/s  0.2s
tzdata                                             117.6kB @ 173.5kB/s  0.1s
pip                                                  1.4MB @   1.7MB/s  0.3s
bzip2                                              254.2kB @ 280.6kB/s  0.3s
libsqlite                                          845.8kB @ 889.0kB/s  0.3s
libzlib                                             61.6kB @  51.8kB/s  0.4s
libuuid                                             33.6kB @  26.2kB/s  0.3s
setuptools                                         464.4kB @ 351.5kB/s  0.4s
openssl                                              2.9MB @   1.7MB/s  1.0s
tk                                                   3.3MB @   1.7MB/s  1.3s
python                                              25.5MB @   5.6MB/s  3.4s
Linking _libgcc_mutex-0.1-conda_forge
Linking ld_impl_linux-64-2.40-h41732ed_0
Linking ca-certificates-2023.11.17-hbcca054_0
Linking libgomp-13.2.0-h807b86a_3
Linking _openmp_mutex-4.5-2_gnu
Linking libgcc-ng-13.2.0-h807b86a_3
Linking openssl-3.2.0-hd590300_1
Linking libzlib-1.2.13-hd590300_5
Linking libffi-3.4.2-h7f98852_5
Linking bzip2-1.0.8-hd590300_5
Linking ncurses-6.4-h59595ed_2
Linking libuuid-2.38.1-h0b41bf4_0
Linking libnsl-2.0.1-hd590300_0
Linking xz-5.2.6-h166bdaf_0
Linking tk-8.6.13-noxft_h4845f30_101
Linking libsqlite-3.44.2-h2797004_0
Linking readline-8.2-h8228510_1
Linking tzdata-2023c-h71feb2d_0
Linking python-3.10.13-hd12c33a_0_cpython
Linking wheel-0.42.0-pyhd8ed1ab_0
Linking setuptools-68.2.2-pyhd8ed1ab_0
Linking pip-23.3.2-pyhd8ed1ab_0

Transaction finished

To activate this environment, use:

   micromamba activate spaceflights310

Or to execute a single command in this environment, use:

   micromamba run -n spaceflights310 mycommand
  • If something doesn’t seem to be working and you need to ask for help, remember to look at the printout to get information on what packages were initially installed and with what version.

We can now activate the environment in order to start working in it.

micromamba activate spaceflights310

In some systems you will see a (spaceflights310) appear in front of your shell’s prompt in order to remind you that you are not in your home environment. This is important to consider because this separation provides a valuable barrier for both security and dependency reasons.

Even if you have a different version of Python installed, you should be able to verify the version is 3.10.XX:

(spaceflights310) $ python -V
Python 3.10.13

And likewise, you can check what version of pip you are running:

(spaceflights310) $ pip --version
pip 23.3.1 from /home/galen/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pip (python 3.10)

Additionally, you can check where your environment’s installations of Python and pip and located:

(spaceflights310) $ which python
(spaceflights310) $ which pip

Up until this point we have not installed Kedro! But now let’s do it!

(spaceflights310) $ pip install kedro

I’ll spare you the long output this time. 😉

But you may have a message at the bottom like this indicating that your version of pip is not the latest:

[notice] A new release of pip is available: 23.3.1 -> 23.3.2
[notice] To update, run: pip install --upgrade pip

As suggested, we can upgrade pip using pip!

(spaceflights310) $ pip install --upgrade pip

With Kedro installed, we can produce a basic summary.

(spaceflights310) $ kedro info
_            _                                                                                                      
| | _____  __| |_ __ ___                                                                                             
| |/ / _ \/ _` | '__/ _ \                                                                                            
|   <  __/ (_| | | | (_) |                                                                                           
|_|\_\___|\__,_|_|  \___/                                                                                            
Kedro is a Python framework for
creating reproducible, maintainable
and modular data science code.

No plugins installed

It doesn’t have much to show us at this point because we have an entirely-vanilla install of Kedro. I ended up using v0.18.14 instead of v0.18.13, but that’s okay. 👌

In software versioning they usually have a semantics similar to this:


So with v0.18.14 instead of v0.18.13 we have only a small difference. If your curious you can read about the changes in different releases here.

Currently we have Kedro installed, but we don’t have a Kedro project. Remember that folder system we went over earlier? Now it is time to make that!

Because the spaceflights project is a prebuilt project that is ready to be used, we could setup up by merely running:

(spaceflights310) $ kedro new --starter=spaceflights

But it will be more illustrative if we go over the steps of how to setup the project from scratch. (Not this Scratch!)

So instead, let us run the following command to merely make a starting project with only the defaults done for us.

(spaceflights310) $ kedro new
From Kedro 0.19.0, the command `kedro new` will come with the option of interactively selecting add-ons for your pro
ject such as linting, testing, custom logging, and more. The selected add-ons will add the basic setup for the utili
ties selected to your projects.                                                                                      

Project Name
Please enter a human readable name for your new project.
Spaces, hyphens, and underscores are allowed.
[New Kedro Project]: spaceflights

The project name 'spaceflights' has been applied to:  
- The project title in /home/galen/projects/spaceflights/  
- The folder created for your project in /home/galen/projects/spaceflights  
- The project's python package in /home/galen/projects/spaceflights/src/spaceflights

A best-practice setup includes initialising git and creating a virtual environment before running 'pip install -r sr
c/requirements.txt' to install project-specific dependencies. Refer to the Kedro documentation: https://kedro.readth

Change directory to the project generated in /home/galen/projects/spaceflights by entering 'cd /home/galen/projects/

Running the above will prompt you for a project name. You can put anything you like as a valid path name, but we’ll stick with the tutorial by calling it spaceflights. There will now be a spaceflights path! It is Christmas time (literally, at time of writing I am on a Christmas break)! 🎄 Take a look inside the gift we just gave ourselves.

(spaceflights310) $ cd /home/galen/projects/spaceflights

If we run tree . we should see something just like what we saw in the cookiecutter template.

(spaceflights310) $ tree .
├── conf
│   ├── base
│   │   ├── catalog.yml
│   │   ├── logging.yml
│   │   └── parameters.yml
│   ├── local
│   │   └── credentials.yml
│   └──
├── data
│   ├── 01_raw
│   ├── 02_intermediate
│   ├── 03_primary
│   ├── 04_feature
│   ├── 05_model_input
│   ├── 06_models
│   ├── 07_model_output
│   └── 08_reporting
├── docs
│   └── source
│       ├──
│       └── index.rst
├── notebooks
├── pyproject.toml
└── src
   ├── pyproject.toml
   ├── requirements.txt
   ├── spaceflights
   │   ├──
   │   ├──
   │   ├──
   │   ├── pipelines
   │   │   └──
   │   └──
   └── tests
       ├── pipelines
       │   └──

20 directories, 19 files

All that boilerplate file structure taken care of! 😌 We still have work to do, but at least that time, attention and energy won’t get spoiled on that drudgery.

The tutorial uses VSCode, which is fine. But I’m staying right here in the terminal. 😼

Get started with Kedro - Use Kedro from Jupyter notebook

  • This tutorial video is about using Jupyter notebook alongside Kedro.

Naturally, to use Jupyter notebooks we need to install it.

(spaceflights310) $ pip install notebook

Now we’re going to use the Kedro-IPython extension to enable using these tools together. 🫂 The extension allows us to easily bring in components of our Kedro project into our Jupyter notebook.


If you’re completely unfamiliar with Jupyter Notebook, you can also look through Jupyter Notebook: An Introduction before continuing.

Let’s open Jupyter notebook:

(spaceflights310) $ jupyter notebook

You may see some text flash before your eyes on the terminal and then suddenly your browser will probably open to the address http://localhost:8888/tree. If you don’t, check out Jupyter Notebook Error: display nothing on “http://localhost:8888/tree”.


The URL “http://localhost:8888/tree,” is a local address pointing to a web server running on your own machine. Let me break down the components of the URL to help you understand it:

  1. Protocol: The URL starts with “http://,” indicating that it is using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). This is a standard protocol for transmitting data over the internet.
  2. Hostname: “localhost” is a special hostname that refers to the local machine. In networking, it always points back to the current device. In this context, it means that the web server is running on the same machine where you are opening the URL.
  3. Port: “:8888” is the port number. Ports are used to differentiate between different services or processes on a single machine. In this case, the web server is configured to listen on port 8888.
  4. Path: “/tree” is the path component of the URL. In web applications, the path often corresponds to a specific resource or endpoint. In this context, “/tree” refers to the Jupyter Notebook interface, where you can view and manage your files and notebooks in a tree-like structure.

Now that we have the notebook interface open, go to the notebooks directory in the interface (not the CLI). Following with the tutorial, create a notebook called first-exploration.ipynb. Note that creating this notebook has created and renamed a notebook Untitled.ipynb to first-exploration.ipynb in your notebooks directory on your system.

Sadly, at the time of writing, I don’t have embedding Jupyter Notebooks setup on my blog. So I am going to use the prompt (spaceflights310):JN> to signify that we looking at commands in a Jupyter Notebook environment.

First thing we can do is load the Kedro-IPython extension:

(spaceflights310):JN> %load_ext kedro.ipython
[12/17/23 14:08:12] INFO     Resolved project path as: /home/galen/projects/spaceflights. 
                             To set a different path, run '%reload_kedro <project_root>'

[12/17/23 14:08:12] INFO     Kedro project spaceflights                                   

                    INFO     Defined global variable 'context', 'session', 'catalog' and  
  • You can see in the above output that loading the extension how loaded some information into our project including context, session, catalog, and pipelines.
  • Both context, session and session provide a bunch of information we’ll get back to.
  • The catalog gives us access to all of the datasets that we will declare to be available.
  • pipelines should currently be a dictionary with an empty Pipeline instance:
(spaceflights310):JN> pipelines
{'__default__': Pipeline([])}

Since Jupyter Notebook is itself an environment built on other tools including IPython, and IPython is also a standalone tool, and we have a Kedro-IPython extension, can we load Kedro into a standalone IPython session? Yes. 🎉


Although, note the section Jupyter and the future of IPython on the ipython site.

So back to our (spaceflights310) $, prompt we can start IPython with the command:

(spaceflights310) $ ipython

You should see a CLI like this:

$ ipython
Python 3.10.13 | packaged by conda-forge | (main, Oct 26 2023, 18:07:37) [GCC 12.3.0]
Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
IPython 8.18.1 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.

In [1]:

And we can readily load our Kedro stuff in the same way:

$ ipython
In [1]: %load_ext kedro.ipython
[12/17/23 14:26:13] INFO     Resolved project path as: /home/galen/projects/spaceflights.  
                            To set a different path, run '%reload_kedro <project_root>'                             
[12/17/23 14:26:13] INFO     Kedro project spaceflights                                    
                    INFO     Defined global variable 'context', 'session', 'catalog' and 'pipelines'

The same Kedro project things will be available including context, session, catalog, and pipelines. Other available notebook interfaces can use this extension, including Databricks and Google Colab.

Get started with Kedro - Set up the Kedro Data Catalog

The context, session, catalog, and pipelines that we encountered in the last tutorial have not been prepared to contain any useful information yet. But not we’ll get the Catalog up and running. If you have not been following along in the Kedro docs, we are at the Set up the data section.

  • There are three datasets that we care about for this example:
    • companies.csv
    • reviews.csv
    • shuttles.xlsx

Let’s go get that data. I’m just going to download those files from hereand put them in my own data/01_raw path. You should be able to see the following:

(spaceflights310) $ ls data/01_raw/
companies.csv  reviews.csv  shuttles.xlsx

Now create a new Jupyter Notebook titled data-exploration.ipynb, and install the following command using the following magic command:

(spaceflights310):JN> %pip install kedro-datasets[pandas]

What the above does is install some useful dependencies for this tutorial that assume we’re primarily using Pandas.


If you’re unfamiliar with Pandas you should probably learn it if you’re interested in doing Data Science with Python (although also check out Polars). There are a ton of resources out there to help you learn it. Here are just a few:

Alright, so you still cannot access those data files in Kedro just yet until your register them in the catalog. Where is the catalog? conf/base/catalog.yml.

  type: pandas.CSVDataset
  filepath: data/01_raw/companies.csv

  type: pandas.CSVDataset
  filepath: data/01_raw/reviews.csv

  type: pandas.ExcelDataset
  filepath: data/01_raw/shuttles.xlsx
    engine: openpyxl # Use modern Excel engine (the default since Kedro 0.18.0)

In most cases you need to provide at least a name for each data source, the type of data source which must be a valid Kedro dataset class, and the filepath. You can see for the xlsx file that we require an additional load_args which will tell Pandas to use the openpyxl package for parsing the Excel file. When you get into external/remote data sources (e.g. SQL databases) you will see that it is possible to register data sources in the catalog to pull remote data for you.

Let’s hop back into our data-exploration.ipynb notebook to load the Kedro-ipython extension.

(spaceflights310):JN> %load_ext kedro.ipython
[12/17/23 15:49:25] INFO     Resolved project path as: /home/galen/projects/spaceflights. 
                             To set a different path, run '%reload_kedro <project_root>'

[12/17/23 15:49:25] INFO     Kedro project spaceflights                                   

                    INFO     Defined global variable 'context', 'session', 'catalog' and  

It will again load the Kedro artifacts, but this time our data should be available in catalog!

(spaceflights310):JN> catalog.load("companies")
                    INFO     Loading data from 'companies' (CSVDataset)...                      [](file:///home/galen/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/kedro/io/[502](file:///home/galen/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/kedro/io/

|2|19032|67%|Russian Federation|4.0|f|
|4|30342|NaN|Sao Tome and Principe|2.0|t|

77096 rows × 5 columns

In case you’re eyeballing that strange format for a table, it is markdown which we can render to:

id company_rating company_location total_fleet_count iata_approved
0 35029 100% Niue 4.0 f
1 30292 67% Anguilla 6.0 f
2 19032 67% Russian Federation 4.0 f
3 8238 91% Barbados 15.0 t
4 30342 NaN Sao Tome and Principe 2.0 t
77091 6654 100% Tonga 3.0 f
77092 8000 NaN Chile 2.0 t
77093 14296 NaN Netherlands 4.0 f
77094 27363 80% NaN 3.0 t
77095 12542 98% Mauritania 19.0 t

But what is exciting is we now have access to a Pandas dataframe of our companies.csv, as well as the other data sets we included in the catalog.

Let’s assign our dataframe to something convenient for exploration purposes:

(spaceflights310):JN> df = catalog.load("companies")
[12/17/23 15:53:59] INFO     Loading data from 'companies' (CSVDataset)...                      [](file:///home/galen/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/kedro/io/[502](file:///home/galen/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/kedro/io/

The Pandas-Vet package warns that df is not a good variable name. I tend to agree although I am guilty of doing this sometimes.

PD901 ‘df’ is a bad variable name. Be kinder to your future self.

Next we will look at the top few entries of the data frame.

(spaceflights310):JN> df.head()
|2|19032|67%|Russian Federation|4.0|f|
|4|30342|NaN|Sao Tome and Principe|2.0|t|

Here is the table again rendered in Markdown.

id company_rating company_location total_fleet_count iata_approved
0 35029 100% Niue 4.0 f
1 30292 67% Anguilla 6.0 f
2 19032 67% Russian Federation 4.0 f
3 8238 91% Barbados 15.0 t
4 30342 NaN Sao Tome and Principe 2.0 t

In case you were skeptical that we had really loaded a Pandas data frame (I’ll admit, I’m not), you can always run type on any Python object.

(spaceflights310):JN> type(df)

Yup, just an ordinary data frame.


Ever wondered what type(type) should return? The answer is type, making it type a fixed pointof itself. This has to do with how classes work in Python, but that is a story for another time. See Real Python: Python Metaclassesfor some introductory background info.

We can also load the other data sets:

(spaceflights310):JN> catalog.load("reviews")
[12/17/23 16:09:59] INFO     Loading data from 'reviews' (CSVDataset)...                        [](file:///home/galen/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/kedro/io/[502](file:///home/galen/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/kedro/io/


77096 rows × 10 columns

Here is the Markdown for the table:

shuttle_id review_scores_rating review_scores_comfort review_scores_amenities review_scores_trip review_scores_crew review_scores_location review_scores_price number_of_reviews reviews_per_month
0 63561 97.0 10.0 9.0 10.0 10.0 9.0 10.0 133 1.65
1 36260 90.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 3 0.09
2 57015 95.0 9.0 10.0 9.0 10.0 9.0 9.0 14 0.14
3 14035 93.0 10.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 10.0 9.0 39 0.42
4 10036 98.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.0 9.0 92 0.94
77091 4368 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0 NaN
77092 2983 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0 NaN
77093 69684 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0 NaN
77094 21738 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0 NaN
77095 72645 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0 NaN
(spaceflights310):JN> catalog.load("shuttles")
[12/17/23 16:05:15] INFO     Loading data from 'shuttles' (ExcelDataset)...                     [](file:///home/galen/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/kedro/io/[502](file:///home/galen/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/kedro/io/

|0|63561|Niue|Type V5|Quantum|ThetaBase Services|1.0|2|strict|1.0|f|f|$1,325.0|35029|
|1|36260|Anguilla|Type V5|Quantum|ThetaBase Services|1.0|2|strict|1.0|t|f|$1,780.0|30292|
|2|57015|Russian Federation|Type V5|Quantum|ThetaBase Services|1.0|2|moderate|0.0|f|f|$1,715.0|19032|
|3|14035|Barbados|Type V5|Plasma|ThetaBase Services|3.0|6|strict|3.0|f|f|$4,770.0|8238|
|4|10036|Sao Tome and Principe|Type V2|Plasma|ThetaBase Services|2.0|4|strict|2.0|f|f|$2,820.0|30342|
|77091|4368|Barbados|Type V5|Quantum|ThetaBase Services|2.0|4|flexible|2.0|t|f|$4,107.0|6654|
|77092|2983|Bouvet Island (Bouvetoya)|Type F5|Quantum|ThetaBase Services|1.0|1|flexible|1.0|t|f|$1,169.0|8000|
|77093|69684|Micronesia|Type V5|Plasma|ThetaBase Services|0.0|2|flexible|1.0|t|f|$1,910.0|14296|
|77094|21738|Uzbekistan|Type V5|Plasma|ThetaBase Services|1.0|2|flexible|1.0|t|f|$2,170.0|27363|
|77095|72645|Malta|Type F5|Quantum|ThetaBase Services|0.0|2|moderate|2.0|t|f|$1,455.0|12542|

77096 rows × 13 columns

Here is the Markdown of the above table.

id shuttle_location shuttle_type engine_type engine_vendor engines passenger_capacity cancellation_policy crew d_check_complete moon_clearance_complete price company_id
0 63561 Niue Type V5 Quantum ThetaBase Services 1.0 2 strict 1.0 f f $1,325.0 35029
1 36260 Anguilla Type V5 Quantum ThetaBase Services 1.0 2 strict 1.0 t f $1,780.0 30292
2 57015 Russian Federation Type V5 Quantum ThetaBase Services 1.0 2 moderate 0.0 f f $1,715.0 19032
3 14035 Barbados Type V5 Plasma ThetaBase Services 3.0 6 strict 3.0 f f $4,770.0 8238
4 10036 Sao Tome and Principe Type V2 Plasma ThetaBase Services 2.0 4 strict 2.0 f f $2,820.0 30342
77091 4368 Barbados Type V5 Quantum ThetaBase Services 2.0 4 flexible 2.0 t f $4,107.0 6654
77092 2983 Bouvet Island (Bouvetoya) Type F5 Quantum ThetaBase Services 1.0 1 flexible 1.0 t f $1,169.0 8000
77093 69684 Micronesia Type V5 Plasma ThetaBase Services 0.0 2 flexible 1.0 t f $1,910.0 14296
77094 21738 Uzbekistan Type V5 Plasma ThetaBase Services 1.0 2 flexible 1.0 t f $2,170.0 27363
77095 72645 Malta Type F5 Quantum ThetaBase Services 0.0 2 moderate 2.0 t f $1,455.0 12542

With 77096 rows you can be grateful that Pandas limits them! If you ever want to modify the number of displayed rows you can set pandas.set_option('display.max_rows', <number>).

One of the advantages of how we were able to pull in the data with the catalog is that we didn’t need to specify any file paths. So we can change only what is registered in the data catalog and not have to worry about the connascence of name.

Get started with Kedro - Explore the spaceflights data

For this tutorial we will not need %pip install kedro-datasets[pandas] again, so delete that from the beginning of data-exploration.ipynb.

Remember that naming a dataframe just df is not great? Well, let’s rename our datasets:

(spaceflights310):JN> companies = catalog.load("companies")
[12/17/23 16:16:07] INFO     Loading data from 'companies' (CSVDataset)...                      [](file:///home/galen/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/kedro/io/[502](file:///home/galen/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/kedro/io/
(spaceflights310):JN> reviews = catalog.load("reviews")
[12/17/23 16:16:22] INFO     Loading data from 'reviews' (CSVDataset)...                        [](file:///home/galen/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/kedro/io/[502](file:///home/galen/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/kedro/io/
(spaceflights310):JN> shuttles = catalog.load("shuttles")
[12/17/23 16:16:27] INFO     Loading data from 'shuttles' (ExcelDataset)...                     [](file:///home/galen/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/kedro/io/[502](file:///home/galen/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/kedro/io/

Now let us explore! 🧭

First we might wish to look at the dtypes of the columns. Each Pandas column has a single dtype.

(spaceflights310):JN> companies.dtypes
id                     int64
company_rating        object
company_location      object
total_fleet_count    float64
iata_approved         object
dtype: object

You can see that accessing the panda.DataFrame.dtypes attribute gives a table of each column and their respective dtype.

Suppose that in the companies data we would like to: 1. Convert company_rating to a single or double precision float format and 2. Convert iata_approved to a Boolean dtype.

Let us start with the iata_approved column. This transformation is quite straighforward with the == comparator.

(spaceflights310):JN> companies['iata_approved'] == 't'
0        False
1        False
2        False
3         True
4         True
77091    False
77092     True
77093    False
77094     True
77095     True
Name: iata_approved, Length: 77096, dtype: bool

There is a nice property here that values == t will be True and otherwise False, which happens to coincide with whenever the value in the iata_approved is f. Except – oooops! Consider this check for unique values:

(spaceflights310):JN> companies['iata_approved'].unique()
array(['f', 't', nan], dtype=object)

The tutorial does not mention those nan values. Maybe there is a good reason for that, but in a real analysis we would persue this further.


See Working with missing data for a Pandas-oriented point of view.


I strongly suggest that if you have missing data that you learn about the statistical side of it. Missing data is a less obvious problem in most cases than using pandas.DataFrame.dropna(). Not thinking about the causality of the missingness can confound your results.

An excellent introduction to this is Richard McElreath’s Statistical Rethinking 2023 - 18 -Missing Data:

Anyway, you may want to overwrite the original column to save computer memory and/or name proliforation.

(spaceflights310):JN> companies['iata_approved'] = companies['iata_approved'] == 't'

We can double check that the new type is bool by again looking at the output of pandas.DataFrame.dtypes:

id                     int64
company_rating        object
company_location      object
total_fleet_count    float64
iata_approved           bool
dtype: object

Moving onto company_rating, we want to convert it to a float type. First take a peek at the column:

(spaceflights310):JN>  companies["company_rating"]
0        100%
1         67%
2         67%
3         91%
4         NaN
77091    100%
77092     NaN
77093     NaN
77094     80%
77095     98%
Name: company_rating, Length: 77096, dtype: object

You can see that there are also NaN values, but these are more general Pandas NaN types rather than the np.nan type which counts as a float.


The Pandas NaN should further not be confused with Pandas’ NA. See Experimental NA scalar to denote missing valuesfor more information.

We can acheive this by replacing the string value "%" with an empty string "". This might seem like a weird flexto replace a string character with an empty string character if you’re not used to programming, but it is a common practice that doesn’t have any logical issues provided that you think carefully about what an empty string is.

(spaceflights310):JN> companies["company_rating"] = (
    .replace("%", "")

There may be a few things that could strike someone as odd about the above code.

The first is that I stuck everything on the right-hand-side inside of an extra set of brackets and wrapped it onto multiple lines. This bit of syntax is optional, but can improve the readability of a statement.

The second is that we were able to access string methods via str, which is a specialized method called an accessor. It provides us with access to a string representation of the element of the column without having to use apply(lambda s: s.replace("%", "")) or similar.

And perhaps thirdly is the method chaining itself. That is, having method1().method2().... This simply works by combining the facts that instance methods take self as their first argument and that functions which also return self can likewise be passed into further instance methods.

We could call companies.dtypes again to check the types, but since we are also potentially interested in missing values I would typically use instead.

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 77096 entries, 0 to 77095
Data columns (total 5 columns):
 #   Column             Non-Null Count  Dtype
---  ------             --------------  -----
 0   id                 77096 non-null  int64
 1   company_rating     47187 non-null  float64
 2   company_location   57966 non-null  object
 3   total_fleet_count  77089 non-null  float64
 4   iata_approved      77096 non-null  bool
dtypes: bool(1), float64(2), int64(1), object(1)
memory usage: 2.4+ MB

You can see that company_rating is now float64, and that there are 47187 out of 77096 non-null entries in that column.

In a real analysis we would want to take a look at all of the columns, which would likely be feasible since there are only 2 additional ones to look at. But for this tutorial let’s move on the shuttles data set.

The tutorial asks us to do the same thing with d_check_complete and moon_clearance_complete as we did with iata_approved. It also asks us to do a very similar thing with price as we did with company_rating. Let’s make use of assign to do all this in one chain.

(spaceflights310):JN> shuttles = shuttles.assign(
    d_check_complete=shuttles["d_check_complete"] == "t",
    moon_clearance_complete=shuttles["moon_clearance_complete"] == "t",
        .replace("\$", "", regex=True).str

And the tutorial for this basic data processing stops there.

Get started with Kedro - Refactor your data processing code into functions

  • At this junction we are aiming to refactor some of the commands we wrote in our Jupyter notebook data-exploration.ipynb so that they are suitable for being used in a Kedro pipeline.
  • For example, we could re-write those cases where we checked col == "t" to be a Python function which we could re-use.

Here is an attempted implementation.

import pandas as pd

def _is_char(x: pd.Series, char: str = "t") -> pd.Series:
    Checks if each element in a pandas Series is equal to a specified character.

        x (pd.Series): The pandas Series to be checked.
        char (str, optional): The character to compare each element in the Series to. Default is 't'.

        pd.Series: A boolean Series indicating whether each element in the input Series is equal to the specified character.

        >>> import pandas as pd
        >>> data = pd.Series(['t', 'a', 't', 'b', 't'])
        >>> result = _is_char(data, char='t')
        >>> print(result)
        0     True
        1    False
        2     True
        3    False
        4     True
        dtype: bool

        The comparison is case-sensitive.
    if not isinstance(char, str):
        raise ValueError(f'{char} must be of type `str`, but got {type(char)}.')
    return x == char

I’ve generalized somewhat from the tutorial to only default to checking for "t", but passing in other values for char will extend the capabilities of this function. You may also note that I have used type hinting which you can learn about in the standard libraryor PEP8or Real Python: Type Hinting. Type hints do not coerce types nor do they enforce the types, so as a quick solution I have included a raise statement. Some other options include Enums (with some careful thought) or more readily we could have simply used an assert. The docstrings are Google’s Style, if you are unfamiliar.

And likewise here is an implementation of the str --> float examples via dropping characters before casting to a float.

from typing import List

def _iter_empty_replace(x: pd.Series, sub_targets: str | List[str] = "%") -> pd.Series:
    Parses a pandas Series containing percentage strings into numeric values.

        x (pd.Series): The pandas Series containing strings to be parsed before casting to a float.

        pd.Series: A new Series with parsed numeric values. The sub_targets character(s) is/are removed, and the result is cast to float.

        >>> import pandas as pd
        >>> data = pd.Series(['25%', '50.5%', '75.25%'])
        >>> result = _iter_null_replace(data)
        >>> print(result)
        0    25.00
        1    50.50
        2    75.25
        dtype: float64

        - The function assumes that the input Series contains strings representing percentages.
        - The resulting values are of type float.
    if isinstance(sub_targets, str):
        return x.str.replace(sub_targets, "", regex=True).astype(float)
    elif all([isinstance(target, str) for target in sub_target]):
        for target in sub_targets:
            x = x.str.replace(target, "", regex=True)
        return x.astype(float)

    raise ValueError('Incorrect types.')

Get started with Kedro - Create your first data pipeline with Kedro

Finally, remember those directed acyclic graphs and pipelines? Well, we’re going to kill two birds with one stone

(🪨 ➕ [🐦 ➕ 🐤]) ➡️ (💀 ➕ 👻)

Honestly, figures of speech are really weird. 😕😬

Okay, all we need to do to create a pipeline called date_processing is just call the following command from the root of the project.

(spaceflights310) $ kedro pipeline create data_processing
Using pipeline template at: '/home/galen/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/kedro/templates/pipeline'
Creating the pipeline 'data_processing': OK
 Location: '/home/galen/projects/spaceflights/src/spaceflights/pipelines/data_processing'
Creating '/home/galen/projects/spaceflights/src/tests/pipelines/data_processing/': OK
Creating '/home/galen/projects/spaceflights/src/tests/pipelines/data_processing/': OK
Creating '/home/galen/projects/spaceflights/conf/base/parameters_data_processing.yml': OK

Pipeline 'data_processing' was successfully created.

Note above that this command not only prepared the path for your source code, but also for your test suite! Wonderful! 🤖

Let’s hop on down to the path where we can write our pipeline for processing data:

(spaceflights310) $ cd src/spaceflights/pipelines/data_processing/

Remember from (much) earlier that the nodes are functions (sometimes partial functions) which have a set of inputs and an output. The pipeline specifies how everything glues together. Let’s start with the nodes.

We’ll just stick our refactored code into, and also write some functions called preprocess_companies and preprocess_shuttles.

from typing import List

import pandas as pd

def _is_char(x: pd.Series, char: str = "t") -> pd.Series:
    """Checks if each element in a pandas Series is equal to a specified character.

        x (pd.Series): The pandas Series to be checked.
        char (str, optional): The character to compare each element in the Series to. Default is 't'.

        pd.Series: A boolean Series indicating whether each element in the input Series is equal to the specified character.

        >>> import pandas as pd
        >>> data = pd.Series(['t', 'a', 't', 'b', 't'])
        >>> result = _is_char(data, char='t')
        >>> print(result)
        0     True
        1    False
        2     True
        3    False
        4     True
        dtype: bool

        The comparison is case-sensitive.
    if not isinstance(char, str):
        raise ValueError(f'{char} must be of type `str`, but got {type(char)}.')
    return x == char

def _iter_empty_replace(x: pd.Series, sub_targets: str | List[str] = "%") -> pd.Series:
    """Parses a pandas Series containing percentage strings into numeric values.

        x (pd.Series): The pandas Series containing strings to be parsed before casting to a float.

        pd.Series: A new Series with parsed numeric values. The sub_targets character(s) is/are removed, and the result is cast to float.

        >>> import pandas as pd
        >>> data = pd.Series(['25%', '50.5%', '75.25%'])
        >>> result = _iter_null_replace(data)
        >>> print(result)
        0    25.00
        1    50.50
        2    75.25
        dtype: float64

        - The function assumes that the input Series contains strings representing percentages.
        - The resulting values are of type float.
    if isinstance(sub_targets, str):
        return x.str.replace(sub_targets, "", regex=True).astype(float)
    elif all([isinstance(target, str) for target in sub_target]):
        for target in sub_targets:
            x = x.str.replace(target, "", regex=True)
        return x.astype(float)

    raise ValueError('Incorrect types.')

def preprocess_companies(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Preprocesses a DataFrame containing information about companies.

    This function applies specific preprocessing steps to the input DataFrame, including:
    - Converting the 'iata_approved' column to a boolean Series using the _is_char function.
    - Replacing empty values in the 'company_rating' column with a default value using the _iter_empty_replace function.

        df (pd.DataFrame): The input DataFrame containing information about companies.

        pd.DataFrame: A new DataFrame with the specified preprocessing applied.

        >>> import pandas as pd
        >>> data = {'iata_approved': ['t', 'f', 't', 'f'],
        ...         'company_rating': ['', '4.5', '', '3.2']}
        >>> df = pd.DataFrame(data)
        >>> result = preprocess_companies(df)
        >>> print(result)
          iata_approved  company_rating
        0          True             NaN
        1         False             4.5
        2          True             NaN
        3         False             3.2

        - The 'iata_approved' column is converted to a boolean Series using the _is_char function.
        - The 'company_rating' column is processed to replace empty values with a default value.
    df["iata_approved"] = _is_char(df["iata_approved"])
    df["company_rating"] = _iter_empty_replace(df["company_rating"])
    return df

def preprocess_shuttles(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Preprocesses a DataFrame containing information about shuttles.

    This function applies specific preprocessing steps to the input DataFrame, including:
    - Converting the 'd_check_complete' and 'moon_clearance_complete' columns to boolean Series using the _is_char function.
    - Replacing empty values and formatting the 'price' column by removing '$' and ',' characters using the _iter_empty_replace function.

        df (pd.DataFrame): The input DataFrame containing information about shuttles.

        pd.DataFrame: A new DataFrame with the specified preprocessing applied.

        >>> import pandas as pd
        >>> data = {'d_check_complete': ['t', 'f', 't', 'f'],
        ...         'moon_clearance_complete': ['f', 't', 't', 'f'],
        ...         'price': ['$', '12,000', '$15,500', '']}
        >>> df = pd.DataFrame(data)
        >>> result = preprocess_shuttles(df)
        >>> print(result)
          d_check_complete  moon_clearance_complete    price
        0              True                    False      NaN
        1             False                     True  12000.0
        2              True                     True  15500.0
        3             False                    False      NaN

        - The 'd_check_complete' and 'moon_clearance_complete' columns are converted to boolean Series using the _is_char function.
        - The 'price' column is processed to replace empty values and format the values by removing '$' and ',' characters.
    df["d_check_complete"] = _is_char(df["d_check_complete"])
    df["moon_clearance_complete"] = _is_char(df["moon_clearance_complete"])
    df['price'] = _iter_empty_replace(df["price"], ['\$', ','])
    return df

At this juncture you could use formatters such as black or ruff format if you feel your code could do with some cleaning up.

Get started with Kedro - Assemble your nodes into a Kedro pipeline

  • Last time we wrote our functions in to define the nodes of our Kedro pipeline.
  • Now we will glue together the nodes by defining a directed acylclic graph in Kedro.

Your file will start off looking like this:

This is a boilerplate pipeline 'data_processing'
generated using Kedro 0.18.14

from kedro.pipeline import Pipeline, pipeline

def create_pipeline(**kwargs) -> Pipeline:
    return pipeline([])

There are two things that you must immediately do… I am actually not sure why they are not default behaviour for Kedro. 😶

  1. import node from kedro.pipeline
  2. import nodes from local path.

These updates are straightforward:

This is a boilerplate pipeline 'data_processing'
generated using Kedro 0.18.14

from kedro.pipeline import Pipeline, node, pipeline

from . import nodes

def create_pipeline(**kwargs) -> Pipeline:
    return pipeline([])
This is a boilerplate pipeline 'data_processing'
generated using Kedro 0.18.14

from kedro.pipeline import Pipeline, node, pipeline

from . import nodes

def create_pipeline(**kwargs) -> Pipeline:
    return pipeline([

The above illustrates something that I don’t particular love; repetitive and highly similar naming. Let us refactor this to a loop:

This is a boilerplate pipeline 'data_processing'
generated using Kedro 0.18.14

from kedro.pipeline import Pipeline, node, pipeline

from . import nodes

def create_pipeline(**kwargs) -> Pipeline:

    prefixes = ["preprocess", "preprocessed"]
    suffixes = ["companies", "shuttles"]

    dag_nodes = []

    for suffix in suffixes:
        fname = f"{prefixes[0]}_{suffix}"
                func=getattr(nodes, f"{prefixes[0]}_{suffix}"),

    return pipeline(dag_nodes)

That’s a little bit better. 🤪 I’m sure there are improvements that could be made if you wanted to do something tidier than having those hard-coded lists. But let’s move on.

Back at the root of our project we can call kedro registry list to give us a list of all the registered pipelines.

(spaceflights310) $ kedro registry list
- __default__
- data_processing

If you have not run the following already (like way back near the beginning of setting this project up), then now is the time:

(spaceflights310) $ pip install -r src/requirements.txt

We FINALLY have a thing that does a thing.

(spaceflights310) $ kedro run --pipeline data_processing
[12/17/23 19:44:12] INFO     Kedro project spaceflights                                                                             
                   INFO     Loading data from 'companies' (CSVDataset)...                                                     
                   INFO     Running node: preprocess_companies_node: preprocess_companies([companies]) -> [preprocessed_companies]    
                   INFO     Saving data to 'preprocessed_companies' (MemoryDataset)...                                        
                   INFO     Completed 1 out of 2 tasks                                                                    
                   INFO     Loading data from 'shuttles' (ExcelDataset)...                                                    
[12/17/23 19:44:19] INFO     Running node: preprocess_shuttles_node: preprocess_shuttles([shuttles]) -> [preprocessed_shuttles]        
                   INFO     Saving data to 'preprocessed_shuttles' (MemoryDataset)...                                         
                   INFO     Completed 2 out of 2 tasks                                                                    
                   INFO     Pipeline execution completed successfully.                                                              
                   INFO     Loading data from 'preprocessed_companies' (MemoryDataset)...                                     
                   INFO     Loading data from 'preprocessed_shuttles' (MemoryDataset)...                                      

We have lift off! 🚀

Get started with Kedro - Run your Kedro pipeline

  • Last time we ran the pipeline, but we didn’t actually produce anything.
  • We just did some processing steps that were summarily forgotten after the pipeline finished running.
    • These types of data set is called a MemoryDataset
  • Time to go back to the catalog!

Let’s add these entries to the catalog.yml. The pq file extension is for the Apache Parquetformat, which is considered one of the fast-to-load data formats due to how information is stored.

    type: pandas.ParquetDataSet
    filepath: data/02_intermediate/preprocessed_companies.pq

    type: pandas.ParquetDataSet
    filepath: data/02_intermediate/preprocessed_shuttles.pq

This time, when you run the pipeline, you will see the Parquet files in the logging output.

(spaceflights310) $ kedro run --pipeline data_processing
[12/17/23 19:58:00] INFO     Kedro project spaceflights                                                                             
[12/17/23 19:58:01] INFO     Loading data from 'companies' (CSVDataset)...                                                     
                   INFO     Running node: preprocess_companies_node: preprocess_companies([companies]) -> [preprocessed_companies]    
                   INFO     Saving data to 'preprocessed_companies' (ParquetDataSet)...                                       
                   INFO     Completed 1 out of 2 tasks                                                                    
                   INFO     Loading data from 'shuttles' (ExcelDataset)...                                                    
[12/17/23 19:58:07] INFO     Running node: preprocess_shuttles_node: preprocess_shuttles([shuttles]) -> [preprocessed_shuttles]        
                   INFO     Saving data to 'preprocessed_shuttles' (ParquetDataSet)...                                        
                   INFO     Completed 2 out of 2 tasks                                                                    
                   INFO     Pipeline execution completed successfully.                                                              

And now when you check the intermediate data folder you should see the intermediate data results files:

(spaceflights310) $ du -sh data/02_intermediate/*.pq
540K    data/02_intermediate/preprocessed_companies.pq
1.2M    data/02_intermediate/preprocessed_shuttles.pq

Get started with Kedro - Visualise your data pipeline with Kedro-Viz

  • kedro-viz is a plugin for Kedro to show us a high-level view of our Kedro pipelines.
    • Check out this demoif you are just passing through without coding along.
  • With our pipeline built we know there is a DAG there, but we would like to see the DAG.

First we need to install kedro-viz plugin.

(spaceflights310) $ pip install kedro-viz

In many cases you would want to include this additional package in your requirements.txt.

Now we can simply call kedro viz, which will ordinarily open a web browser to the local host


The URL is a specific web address that uses the HTTP protocol. Let’s break down the components of this URL:

  1. Protocol: http

    • This stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol, which is the foundation of any data exchange on the Web. It is used for transmitting data between a web server and a web browser.
  2. IP Address:

    • This IP address is a loopback address, also known as the localhost. It is used to establish network connections with the same host (i.e., the device making the request). In this context, when the IP address is set to, it means the server is running on the same machine that is making the request.
  3. Port Number: 4141

    • Ports are used to distinguish different services or processes running on the same machine. The number 4141 in this case is the port number to which the HTTP requests are directed. It is a non-standard port, as standard HTTP traffic usually uses port 80.
  4. Path: /

    • In the context of a URL, the path specifies the location of a resource on the server. In this case, the path is set to /, indicating the root or default location.

Putting it all together, refers to a web server running on the same machine (localhost) on port 4141, and it is serving content from the root directory. Accessing this URL/home/galen/Dropbox/bin/ in a web browser or through a programmatic HTTP request would send a request to the local server, and the server would respond accordingly with the content or behavior associated with the root path.

Make complex Kedro pipelines - Merge different dataframes in Kedro

  • You can rewrite your notebook code into functions.
  • For example:
import pandas as pd

def split_data(df: pd.DataFrame, parameters: dict) -> tuple:
    X = df[parameters["features"]]
    y = df["price"]
    ) = train_test_split(
    return X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test

You can reload Kedro in an iPython session using %reload_kedro as an iPython magic command.

You can load a Kedro project’s parameters using the following:


You can further specify loading an entry in Kedro parameters using a colon:


This does assume that you have an instance of the catalog loaded. This will occur automatically in a Kedro Jpuyter notebook, but you may need to import and call some callables from Kedro when doing this from a script.

Make complex Kedro pipelines - Master parameters in Kedro

  • Each pipelines will de facto have is own parameters file in YAML format.

Suppose we have a parameters file like this:

  test_size: 0.2
  random_state: 2018
    - engines
    - passenger_capacity
    - crew
    - d_check_complete
    - noon_clearance_complete
    - iata_approved
    - company_rating
    - review_scores_rating

Then in for that pipeline we can put:

import logging

import pandas as pd
from sklearn.model_selection import test_train_split
from sklearn.metrics import r2_score
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def split_data(df: pd.DataFrame, parameters: dict) -> tuple:
    X = df[parameters["features"]]
    y = df["price"]
    ) = train_test_split(
    return X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test

def train_linear_model(X_train: pd.DataFrame, y_train: pd.Series) -> LinearRegression:
    regressor = LinearRegression(), y_train)
    return regressor

def evaluate_model(
    regressor: LinearRegression,
    X_test: pd.DataFrame,
    y_tests: pd.Series
    y_pred = regresor.predict(X_test)
    score = r2_score(y_test, y_pred)"Model has a coefficient $R^2$ of {score} on test data.")

Next we can define corresponding calls for these functions in our file for the given pipeline.

from kedro.pipeline import Pipeline, pipeline, node

from .nodes import evaluate_model, train_model, split_data

def create_pipeline(**kwargs) -> Pipeline:
    return pipeline([
         inputs=["model_input_table", "params:model_options"],
         outputs=["X_train", "X_test", "y_train", "y_test"]
         inputs=["X_train", "y_train"],
         inputs=["regressor", "X_test", "y_test"],

This is only a toy example. What if you want to do some sort of model selection, feature selection, or some other aspect of optimization? This example should give you a sense of a basic setup.

Make complex Kedro pipelines - Apply versioning to datasets

  • Datasets can be versioned.
  • Models can be saved as a serialized file:
  type: pickle.PickleDataset
  filepath: data/06_models/regressor.pkl

We may want to version the model, which Kedro parameters allows us to do as a versioned dataset.

  type: pickle.PickeDataset
  filepath: data/06_models/regressor.pkl
  versioned: true

For the unversioned dataset we will find a yaml file data/06_models/regressor.pkl whereas for the versioned counterpart data/06_models/regressor.pkl is actually a directory. This is a potential source of confusion because the paths appear to be identical when they are not, leading to confusion between what is a folder file vs a non-folder file.

make complex Kedro pipelines - Reuse your Kedro pipeline using namespaces

We can use namespaces to adjust pipelines as desired.

from kedro.pipeline import Pipeline, pipeline, node

from .nodes import evaluate_model, train_model, split_data

def create_pipeline(**kwargs) -> Pipeline:
    pipeline_instance = pipeline([
         inputs=["model_input_table", "params:model_options"],
         outputs=["X_train", "X_test", "y_train", "y_test"]
         inputs=["X_train", "y_train"],
         inputs=["regressor", "X_test", "y_test"],

    ds_pipeline_1 = pipeline(

    ds_pipeline_2 = pipeline(

    return ds_pipeline_1 + ds_pipeline_2

These additional pipelines can have corresponding updates to the parameters file for the given Kedro pipeline.

# data_science_parameters.yml


While I just put ... b/c I didn’t feel like adding the details, the point is you can specify different sets of parameters for each of these namespaces.

You can also have separate catalog entries for the various datasets.

# catalog.yml

  • Having multiple namespaces will be represented in Kedro viz.

Namespaces are not strictly needed, but they may help you reuse some pipeline components.

Make complex Kedro pipelines - Accelerate your Kedro pipeline using runners

  • Kedro uses a sequential runner by default.
  • There are other runners.
  • For example:
    • ParallelRunner: Good for CPU-bound problems.
    • ThreadRunner: Good for IO-bound problems.

Different runners can be specified using:

$ kedro run --runner=SequentialRunner
$ kedro run --runner=ParallelRunner
$ kedro run --runner=ThreadRunner

Make complex Kedro pipelines - Create Kedro datasets dynamically using factories

A Kedro dataset factory can look like this:

# catalog.yml

  type: pickle.PickleDataset
  filepath: data/06_models/regressor_{subtype}.pkl
  versioned: true

Specific datasets will be created from a combination of the dataset factory and the namespaces within a pipeline.

Calling kedro catalog rank will tell you how many datasets a project has in total, not taking Kedro factories into account.

Calling kedro catalog resolve will tell you what your datasets are, including the various different datasets implied by the data factories.

Ship your Kedro project to production - Define your own Kedro environments

Kedro environments are basically distinct sets of configurations that you can have within a single Kedro project. By default you will see the conf/ path contains local/ and base/. You can add more configurations of your own.

  1. Create a new subdirectrory of conf/ named whatever you want. In this case we will call it test/, but you can call it other things too.
$ mkdir conf/test
  1. Add whatever catalog and parameter files you want within that new configuration path.
  2. When you wish, you can run your project with the new configuration using kedro run --env=test.

When you run with a custom environment you do not need to specify ‘all’ the same information as in base. The base environment is privileged as the default configuration environment. It is possible to change the default configuration catalog, but let’s leave that topic for another occassion. When a non-default configuration is used it will add to the default configuration and also override the default configuration whenever there are name collisions.


There is an idea of there of defining hierarchical configurations of environments, but at the time of writing that has not been implemented.

Ship your Kedro project to production - Use S3 and MiniIO cloud storages with Kedro

The fsspec library allows for a unified interface to specify locations of files. This can be particularly handy if you have files that life on different computing systems. Kedro uses this library for this very purpose in its datasets so that you can specify file paths that are not on the local system.

MinIO AIStor is designed to allow enterprises to consolidate all of their data on a single, private cloud namespace. Architected using the same principles as the hyperscalers, AIStor delivers performance at scale at a fraction of the cost compared to the public cloud.

Ship your Kedro project to production - Package your Kedro project into a Python wheel

Kedro projects are a special case of Python projects, including being able to build the project as Python package. You build your Kedro project using kedro package. You will find the package files in the dist/ directory after having run the command. You can use pip to locally install your package from these files.

Once installed, you can run the Kedro project:

$ python -m spaceflights --conf-source="path/to/dist/conf-spaceflights.tar.gz"

You can further specify what environment that you want. Suppose you had a production environment, you could specify that here:

$ python -m spaceflights --conf-source="path/to/dist/conf-spaceflights.tar.gz" --env=production

Ship your Kedro project to production - Turn your Kedro project into a Docker container

The kedro-docker plugin is one of the officially supported Kedro plugins. It exists to help you deploy Kedro projects from Docker containers.

You can install it with pip:

$ pip install kedro-docker

You will also need to install Docker.

Next we can initialize using the plugin, which will put together a default dockerfile for you to use. It contains the information needed to put together the desired image. You can modify this file as you like.

$ kedro docker init

You can then run

$ kedro docker build --base-image python:3.10-slim

to actually setup the environment.

Finally, you can run

$ kedro docker run

which will launch the docker image. This will mount local directories used in the Kedro project. Beyond that it will look like an ordinary Kedro run.

Ship your Kedro project to production - Deploy your Kedro project to Apache Airflow

The kedro-airflow plugin is a Kedro plugin officially supported by the Kedro development team. It generates an airflow directed acyclic graph (DAG) which can be used to run as an Airflow pipeline.

You can install this plugin using pip:

$ pip install kedro-airflow

When you run kedro catalog resolve the resulting output is valid as a yaml string for a Kedro catalog. Thus in bash you can create an expanded Kedro catalog file like this:

$ kedro catalog resolve > /path/to/new/catalog.yml

Now you can use the Kedro Airflow plugin to generate a script:

$ kedro airflow create --target-dir=dags/ --env=airflow

In the dags/ path you’ll find a script such as One of the classes defined in this script is KedroOperator which defines an Airflow operator which will runs components of the Kedro project within the Airflow environment.

Now that you have this script, you can copy it into your airflow/dags/ directory. One choice of path is ~/airflow/dags/ if you are on Linux.

Continue your Kedro journey

  • There are many ways to use Kedro.
  • There is a Slack channel for Kedro.

The current curriculum for the software envineering principles for data science:

  • Why is software engineering necessary for data science?
  • Writing Python functions and the refactoring cycle for Jupyter notebooks.
  • Managing dependencies and working with virtual environments.
  • Improving code maintainability and reproducibility with configuration.
  • An introduction to Git, GitHub, and best practices for collaborative version control.
  • Tools to optimize your workflows: IDE best-practices.

I suggest avoiding the term “best practice” when referring to practices. Knowing that a given practice is best implies that it is better than all other practices with respect to a set of objectives.

Often the set of practices is indefinite or only partially defined, or discovered, leading to the usual problem of empirical induction.

For any given finite set of practices we can consider comparing them exhausitvely. It could still be the case that the requisite time, attention, energy and other resources required to actually decide which is the best practice among that set.

Furthermore, there is a typical issue that arises even among relatively small sets of practices: the existence of tradeoffs. When we have tradeoffs we have a situation in which there is a set of mutually non-dominating options. This should not be confused with the notion of these options being equally good. Rather each non-dominated option being the best according to one objective will also be worse (but not necessarily ‘the worst’) in terms of another objective.

When we restrict our thinking to a Pareto order on our objectives then the set of such mutually undominating options is called a Pareto front. Real-world objectivse may have a more complicated ordering, but the existence of tradeoffs remains a plausible possibility.