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Defining Your Causal Assumptions

The first step you should take to use Mjölnir effectively is to encode your causal assumptions into a DAG. This is done with a networkx DiGraph. Here is an example of a collider \(X_1 \rightarrow X_2 \leftarrow X_3\).

import networkx as nx

dag = nx.DiGraph()

dag.add_edge('X1', 'X2')
dag.add_edge('X3', 'X2') 

Training a Model

If you're familiar with the Scikit-Learn API, this should be familiar. Simply import the class Mjolnir. For the sake of example I am going to ignore the DAG we defined earlier, and generate one randomly from scratch.

from mjolnir import datasets
from mjolnir import Mjolnir

dag, data = datasets.make_dag_regression(n=10)

model = Mjolnir(dag)


Symbolically Analyzing the Model

Mjölnir provides some built-in funtionality for performing symbolic math on the model discovered in the symbolic regression.

For starters, let's display the symbolic expressions learned by model.


If you would like to further analyze the model but you're unfamiliar with SymPy or computer algebra, I recommend looking at the Introductory Tutorial for SymPy to get you started.

Do Calculus

Coming soon.